from the desk of Steven Ray

6 of my favorite business pods…

I love pods, specifically business pods. Not because they actually give me the “answer,” so to speak, but because they inspire me and get my creative juices flowing. I kind of hate the term “creative juices,” but whatever.

Anyway, here are a few of my favorites. What I like about these is that they’re not boring, and they’re a mix of technology and blue-collar. Like, you don’t have to be a genius to get rich.

My First Million – Hosted by Sam Parr and Shaan Puri. By far, my favorite business pod of all time. Hat tip to Ray Hernandez for turning me on to this.

Contrarian Thinking with Codie Sanchez – Codie Sanchez shares her insights on investing and building wealth. This chick is just badass. I found out about her from My First Million.

Andrew Wilkinson Podcast – Andrew Wilkinson shares his experiences on building and acquiring businesses.

Where It Happens with Greg Isenberg – Greg Isenberg discusses the future of work, creativity, and entrepreneurship.

The Game with Alex Hormozi – Alex Hormozi discusses business strategies and scaling companies.

Noah Kagan Presents – Noah Kagan, the founder of AppSumo, interviews successful entrepreneurs.

There are a few that didn’t make my condensed list but let me know what you think and if there are some pods I should be checking out!



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